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  • Sanitizone Portátil

Portable Disinfectant with Broad Action o Broad Action Pocket Disinfectant

Made based of Quaternary Salts (5th generation)

It is a portable disinfectant made based of quaternary salts (5th generation), considered of high level and indicated for an efficient sanitization and disinfection of equipment, surfaces and diverse materials without damaging them, ready to use.

It is a portable disinfectant made based of quaternary salts (5th generation), considered of high level and indicated for an efficient sanitization and disinfection of equipment, surfaces and diverse materials without damaging them

Broad action against viruses, bacteria, algae, fungi y spores. The difference with the others disinfectants it is that our product has a better performance in hostile environments, also is very secure for either humans use or pets use.

BIOH ZONE introduces the most practical way to keep a good hygiene anytime, anywhere.

This Product is especially formulated to satisfy the brand new cleaning and sanitization needs, with the main objective of caring HEALTH.


The Quaternary Ammonium germicide contained has been evaluated under the norm: NOM:

NMX-BB-040-SCFI-1999 DETERMINATION OF THE MICROBIAL ACTIVITY IN GERMICIDE PRODUCTS and it is has been proven effective eliminating microorganisms including SARS2 and COVID19.

The United States Environment Protection Agency included the Quaternary Ammonium Germicide as one of the effective disinfectants to kill SARS- COV- 2.

Portable Sanitizone o Pocket Sized Sanitizone 60 ml- 2.11 fl oz
